Why the name Inside The Leather anyway?
Publié par Scott Affens le

The Origin of "Inside the Leather" in Golf: The phrase "inside the leather" is rooted in the practical aspects of golfing equipment and tradition . It refers to a specific measurement used in determining the length of putts. Essentially, if a golf ball lies within the distance from the club head to the bottom of the grip, it’s considered to be "inside the leather."
Historical Context: In the early days of golf, clubs were made with leather grips, and the term was coined based on this leather section. Golfers would gauge short putts by this standard length. The term still holds today, even though modern clubs might not feature leather grips as prominently. Practical Use: This phrase is often used in informal golf matches. If a ball is "inside the leather," it is customarily considered a "gimme" putt, meaning it’s so close to the hole that it’s automatically counted as made without actually putting it. That is why have a Gimme Box! This can speed up the game and add a friendly element of sportsmanship among players.